
Back to school tips

Back To School

After a long summer going back to school is always fun. Children
maybe excited or a little bit worried about going to school and meeting new teachers, learning new subjects, and meeting their friends. Children at Mount Litera Zee School will be excited as it is one of the best CBSE Schools in Whitefield. Going to school after a long summer with no plan will be very stressful. Here are a few tips that will help you organize and create routines and support children to give their best at school.

Some back to school tips:

Use a calendar – This will help your children to get well prepared for the school they can visually see when the schools will be starting again. Hanging a calendar in your children’s room is a good idea and making them mark each day with different types of pens or crayons until the new school year starts.

Start bedtime routines early – After long summer vacations, children will need time to get back to their sleeping patterns. To make it easy for the kids to wake up early in the morning, parents can set a sleep routine 1 or 2 weeks before school starts.
Back to school shopping – Plan a date to go out with your children for school shopping. Make sure that the shopping date should be organized and set in advance to enjoy the shopping experience. Going out shopping helps your children choose their school clothes, supplies, backpacks, lunch boxes etc. This will engage your children to take part in the activity and it may also increase their excitement about going to school with many new things.

Make the unknown environment more familiar – If your children are worried that they will start school in a new environment then let your child see their new classroom and meet their new teacher before school starts.

Prepare lunch boxes and keep them easy – Make sure that your child has a healthy breakfast because if they have a good quantity of breakfast in the morning while going to school then they feel more energy and they function better at school. Ask your children about healthy food they like to take to school. Maybe some children like some fruits and vegetables etc try to pack a healthy lunch box for a child while going to school. Train the child to feed on his own, which will help him to be self-dependent.

Find a go-to school friend – If your child is boarding a school bus and other children in the neighborhood go to the same school then talk to their parents and ask them if the kids can take the school bus together. Because this way kids will have more fun on the way to school and they may share their worries and help each other to feel more comfortable while going to school.

Make your child do his holiday homework – When the child does the homework they will understand the topic properly at school and have more fun at school. Good quality homework is a key to understanding topics and achieving good grades in their academics.

Childcare after school – A parent or a guardian should be at home to help kids to get ready for school in the morning and the evening when they return from school make sure that your child listens to you when your supervising them.
Mount Litera Zee School at Whitefield, bells ring loud after a clear vacation is over, school is where we welcome you all with lots of love and success hope every year. On the first day of school, I wake up and come on for the first day of school. Mount Litera Zee School is a good school in Kadugodi for the child’s better development.


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